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Facultad de Derecho


Inicio: abril de 2022

Postulación: 12 de julio al 15 de octubre 2021

Duración: 8 semestres

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This program is aimed to train qualified researchers in legal matters, capable of successfully perform in various contexts in which such research is required.

This program was born with a strong vocation towards internationalization, promoting a system of joint supervision by European and Anglo-american scholars in general, and including research residence to be carried out abroad, during one or two semesters.

As in a proper doctorate, the development of research assumes a priority dimension in the course of the program, notwithstanding the offer of advanced courses especially in those disciplines of transversal scope. The supervision, course offered, and national joint supervision will be mainly in charge of the faculty of the School of Law with doctoral degrees.

Graduate profile

Graduates are capable of situating the problems of their local enviroment in broader intellectual contexts, relying on the tools of the scholar profession.

Course plan

Areas of Specialty

The orientation of the program is general, notwithstanding the disciplinary specialization imposed by the preparation of the doctoral thesis, both in the field of private and public law.

Lines of research

  1. Administrative Law, Public Regulations and Economic Legal Order
  2. Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights
  3. Human rights and International Human Rights Law
  4. Criminal Law
  5. Private Law
  6. Procedural Law and Judicial Systems
  7. Legal theory and Philosophy of Law

Designed for

The program selects applicants who have an academic degree of Bachelor of Law and who possess high scholar potential, creditable through their trajectory and experience in research related activities. The program requires full time dedicationand the possibility of assuming the requirement of a period of research abroad, for at least one semester.

Admission Requirements

To Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Law or Legal Sciences.

Demonstrate proficiency on languages that allows reading with reasonable security, or provide an statement with the measures that will be adopted to incorporate (at reading level) a language to which it is not a natural speaker, Foreign students whose main language is different than Spanish must provide demonstrable proficiency in this language (reading and speaking).


Admissions: July 12 – October 15, 2021.

Submit the following documents to [email protected]

Letter of intent, explaining the interest in the program, the specific area of ​​interest, the possible dissertation topics to be addressed and future plans.

Declaration of availability of time to dedicate to the program.

Resume, with a description of academic and professional career, as well as experience in research related activities.

Legalized copy of Bachelor of Law or Legal Sciences certificate.

Concentration of undergraduate grades.

Graduate ranking certificate, if the institution provides it.

Postgraduate study certificates and grades if any (and graduation ranking certificate, if applicable).

Accreditation or indication of the language (s) in which you can read with reasonable confidence, also stating the measures you are willing to adopt to incorporate (at reading level) a language that you do not master. Foreign students whose main language is different than Spanish must provide demonstrable proficiency in this language (reading and speaking).

A written academic work (published article, undergraduate thesis, postgraduate work, etc.), or – in the absence of the above – a short essay (maximum five pages) with the presentation and assessment of a specific legal problem.

Two letters of recommendation from program external academics.

The shortlisted will go to an interview with the program’s selection committee, after which their selection will be decided.

Tuition fees

  • Registration: Does not have
  • Annual Fee: $ 5,500,000
  • Payment method: In installments in checks or with UDP coupon. Credit card
  • Discounts: 15% discount for UDP alumni.
  • Full PhD Scholarships and UDP Benefits

Each year the program offers three full Doctorate scholarships, which cover the entire fee and a maintenance allowance.

Applications to receive an scholarship to support the visiting research abroad (covering air tickets).

Once the doctoral thesis project has been approved (4th semester), the UDP grants the doctoral student the status of Adjunct Researcher, which allows them to access all the benefits defined for said category within the University faculty, such as receive monetary incentives for publication in indexed magazines, competition for financial support in academic trips, among others.


  • Lucia Rizik Mulet


    Bachelor in Law, University of Chile.

    Master in Needs, Rights and Development Cooperation in Children and Adolescents, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Master’s Degree in Private Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

    Current occupation


    Law School

    Diego Portales University

    Recent publications

    Rizik, L. (2020). Pensamiento Jurídico Central. Volumen 3. Santiago: Tirant lo Blanch.

    Rizik, L. (2020). Cuestiones Actuales del Derecho Privado. Santiago: Tirant lo Blanch.

    Rizik, L. (2017). Las obligaciones alimenticias internacionales en favor de los niños en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, 43, 182-234.

    Rizik, L. (2016). Sustracción internacional de menores: jurisprudencia reciente de los tribunales superiores de justicia chilenos. International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional, 29, 193-234.

  • Pablo Soto Delgado


    Bachelor in Law, Universidad Diego Portales

    Current occupation

    Professor at the Faculty of Legal Sciences, Austral University of Chile

    Researcher responsible for the Fondecyt Initiation Project No. 11201297 (2020-2023) entitled “Modeling existential procurement: provision of services and regulation for a non-subsidiary state scheme.”

    Postdoctoral researcher at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, where he works on the project entitled: “From neoliberalism to social state through liberal legality: the Chilean constitutional process as an exception to new Latin American constitutionalism”, which refers to the national situation around the replacement of the 1980 Constitution following its own rules.

    Recent publications

    Durán, C. y Soto, P. “El ámbito infraccional en el Derecho del consumo: práctica jurisdiccional y modificaciones introducidas por la Ley Nº 21.081”, en Barrientos, Francisca y Fuentes, Claudio, (Coordinadores), Acciones en Derecho del consumo, Thomson Reuters, Santiago, 2019.

    Soto, P. “El giro conservador en torno a las sanciones administrativas por obra del Tribunal Constitucional en Chile: transformando a la Administración en juez para desproteger el interés público” en Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Nº 45, julio-diciembre (2018), pp. 373-421. Scielo.

    Soto, P. “Sanciones administrativas, principio de proporcionalidad y efecto de la inaplicabilidad cuando la gestión pendiente revisa un acto administrativo. El Tribunal Constitucional como contencioso de multas en el Caso Cascada” en Figueroa, Rodolfo (Editor), Anuario de Derecho Público, Ediciones UDP, Santiago, 2017, pp. 287-332.

    Soto, P. “Sanciones administrativas como medidas de cumplimiento del derecho: un enfoque funcional y responsivo aplicado al régimen sancionatorio ambiental”, en Ius et Praxis, vol. 22, Nº 2, 2016, pp. 189-226. Scielo-Scopus.

    Soto, P. “Determinación de sanciones administrativas: disuasión óptima y confinamiento de la discrecionalidad del regulador ambiental”, en Couso, Javier (Editor), Anuario de Derecho Público, Ediciones UDP, Santiago, 2016, pp. 374-407.

    Soto, P. “Un mal caso para flexibilizar la tipicidad en el Derecho Administrativo sancionador. Comentario al fallo ‘Empresa de Servicios sanitarios Essbio S.A. con Seremi de salud del Bio Bio’ de la Corte Suprema”, Rol Nº 7397-2012, Revista Chilena de Derecho, Vol. 42, Nº 2, 2015, pp. 701-714. Scielo/ISI

    Guiloff, M. y Soto, P. “Sanciones administrativas, discrecionalidad y revisión judicial: Una mirada desde la regulación responsiva”, en Ferrada, Juan Carlos, Bermúdez, Jorge, y Pinilla, Francisco (Coordinadores), La Nueva Justicia Ambiental, Legal Publishing, Santiago, 2015, pp. 101-124.

  • Karla Varas Marchant


    Bachelor in Law, University of Chile

    Master in Labor Law of Social Security, University of Talca

    She completed her doctoral in joint supervision with the University of Salamanca.

    Current occupation

    Associate Professor

    Department of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Company

    Recent publications

    Varas, K. (2019). Derecho a huelga: los límites derivados de la protección de terceros. Der Ediciones, Santiago.

    Caamaño, E. y Varas, K. (Coordinadores) (2020). Trabajo y nueva constitución. Der Ediciones, Santiago.

    Varas, K. (2020). “Los límites externos del derecho de huelga: análisis del modelo chileno”, en Trabajo y Derecho, Salamanca, España, Editorial Wolters Kluwer (Scopus) (en prensa, noviembre 2020).

  • Ricardo Lillo Lobos


    Bachelor of Law, Universidad Diego Portales

    Master of Laws (LL.M) in Public Interest Law in Policy, University of California Los Angeles

    Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD), University of California Los Angeles

    Doctor of Law, Universidad Diego Portales

    Current occupation

    Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

    Vice-President Chilean Network of Researchers in Procedural Law

    Recent publications

    Lillo, R. (2020). La Justicia civil en crisis. Estudio empírico en la ciudad de Santiago para aportar a una reforma judicial orientada hacia el acceso a la justicia (formal). Revista Chilena de Derecho, 47, 119 – 157.
    Lillo, Ricardo (2018), “Tribunales de Pequeñas Causas. Acceso a la Justicia (Formal) como Eje de la Reforma”. En: Rivero, Renée; Marín, Juan Carlos (Dir.); Ferrada, Francisco (Coord.), Reformas Necesarias a la Justicia Chilena, VI Jornadas Nacionales de Derecho Procesal, Santiago, Librotecnia, 2018, 797-832.
    LILLO, Ricardo; VARGAS, Macarena, “El Acceso a la Justicia Civil en Chile”. En: Informe Anual de Derechos Humanos en Chile 2017, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Diego Portales, 353-382.
    Lillo, R. (2016). Access to Justice and Small Claims Courts: Supporting Latin American Civil Reforms Through Empirical Research in Los Angeles County, California. Revista Chilena de Derecho, 43, 955 – 986.
    Lillo, R.; Riego, C. (2015). Qué se ha dicho sobre el funcionamiento de la justicia civil en Chile. Aportes para la reforma. Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado, 25, 9 – 54.
    Lillo, R.; Riego, C. (2014). “Mecanismos para Ampliar el Acceso a la Justicia: Experiencias en Estados Unidos y las Unidades de Justicia Vecinal en Chile”. Revista de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 43, 385-417.

    Del Programa de Doctorado en Derecho, destaco que es prioridad para la Facultad de Derecho y ello implica que sus profesores y equipo administrativo están muy involucrados en su desarrollo y continuidad, lo cual redunda en un apoyo constante al estudiante. En segundo lugar destacaría la infraestructura, pues la biblioteca y el material bibliográfico disponible es de primer nivel, así como las instalaciones de trabajo.

    Lucía Rizik Mulet
    Graduada 2019

    Destaco la intención declarada por entregar una cultura jurídica sin la cual simplemente no es posible ser académico. Los cursos comunes entregan herramientas metodológicas imprescindibles para escribir una tesis, lo mismo sucede con los cursos tutoriales de lecturas que implican leer desde los textos capitales del área a la que el doctorando quiere dedicarse, hasta cuestiones más actualizadas, lo que permite entender de qué se trata en la realidad la actividad, el rigor científico y el detalle con el que deben escribirse las publicaciones

    Una segunda cuestión que debe relevarse es la vocación del programa por promover que los doctorandos en sus tesis identifiquen problemas y propongan soluciones a ellos de manera exhaustivamente documentada.

    Pablo Soto Delgado
    Graduado 2019

    La pasantía en el Canadian Institute of Resources Law (CIRL) de la Universidad de Calgary en Canadá, fue una experiencia importante que me permitió lograr un avance significativo en la investigación doctoral. El CIRL es un instituto dedicado a la investigación especializada en derecho de los recursos naturales, derecho ambiental y derechos de los pueblos indígenas en Canadá. En él pude trabajar con una serie de profesores/as e investigadores/as dedicados al estudio de las temáticas referidas y tener acceso (físico y electrónico) a básicamente toda la literatura especializada requerida para mi estudio. Asimismo, pude tener reuniones semanales con el profesor Nigel Bankes, supervisor de la pasantía, cuestión clave en desarrollar y discutir las tesis centrales de mi trabajo.

    Cristóbal Carmona Caldera
    Estudiante Generación 2017


Alumni talk about the program

“Of the Doctorate Program in Law, I emphasize that it is a priority for the Law School and this implies that its professors and administrative team are very involved in its development and continuity, which results in constant support for the student. Secondly, I would highlight the infrastructure, since the library and bibliographic material available is first class, as well as the work facilities”.

Lucía Rizik Mulet
Graduated 2019

“I highlight the stated intention of delivering a legal culture without which it is simply not possible to be an academic. The common courses provide essential methodological tools to write a thesis, the same happens with the tutorial courses of readings that involve the study the main texts of the area to which the doctoral student wants to dedicate himself, to more up-to-date questions, which allows to understand what is about in reality the pursued discipline, the scientific rigor and the detail with which the publications should be written.

A second issue that must be emphasized is the vocation of the program to promote that doctoral students in their theses identify problems and propose solutions in a exhaustively documented manner”.

Pablo Soto Delgado
Graduated 2019

“The internship at the Canadian Institute of Resources Law (CIRL) at the University of Calgary in Canada was an important experience that allowed me to achieve a significant advance in doctoral research. CIRL is an institute dedicated to specialized research in natural resource law, environmental law, and indigenous peoples’ rights in Canada. In it I was able to work with a series of professors and researchers dedicated to the study of the aforementioned topics and have access (physical and electronic) to basically all the specialized literature required for my study. Likewise, Likewise, I was able to have weekly meetings with Professor Nigel Bankes, supervisor of the internship, a key issue in developing and discussing the central theses of my work”.

Cristóbal Carmona Caldera
Student class of 2017

Academics of the Program


Phd in Law

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